Sunday, August 5, 2012

German American Volksfest: Grafenwoehr

This weekend was the German American Volksfest in Grafenwoehr.  Volks means "for the people;" it's basically the English "folks."  So, this was a festival for the people, and although it was on post, it was open to the public as well. 

We were so excited to go to our first fest in Germany.  It was much like an American festival in the sense that it had tons of food, games, and rides.  The food was different than an American festival though, as you might assume.

I was ecstatic to find my first real German potato pancake!  I had to stop everyone when I saw that booth.  If you know me well, you know I love potato pancakes (all my fellow Bearcats will probably agree that Christie's makes them the best near UC!).  I was beginning to think that potato pancakes weren't an actual German food, until I saw them at this fest.  I got my potato pancake with sour cream dip and it was so good, with just the right amount of onion flavor.  This fest was like deep fried paradise for me.  I also tried my first deep fried snickers, and I must admit, it was amazing!  Good thing I don't have a deep fryer.

While the eating was good at the fest, the drinking was even better. Germans know how to do beer, and they do it big!  Andy is with our friend Matt (in his traditional German lederhosen) enjoying a nice, surprisingly cold brew.  He paid a six dollar deposit for the mug and they will fill it up for about seven dollars.  It's quite the deal because that mug holds almost three average sized beers.

We kept the mug!  When in Germany, do as the Germans do.  Those men were sure to get their refills.

Christina and I wanted to join in on the fun, so we posed with the guys' beers for a picture as well.  Christina is wearing the traditional German dirndl.  She looked so authentic, people even stopped to pose for pictures with her.

Christina and Matt even had their boys dressed in the German garb.  They were adorable!  What I found to be hilarious is that so many Americans came dressed in lederhosen and dirndls, while many German came dressed in clothes patterned as the American flag! We were all trying to fit in and be like each other.

The kids were very patient while we ate all of our fried fest foods and waited in line for beers, so we were sure to do some kid-friendly activities after that.  The fest had a German high wire act that was really extraordinary.  I had never seen a high wire act in person, and we couldn't believe it when the performers sat down on the wire and did a backflip!  This act also includes the only man in the world known to be able to walk on a high wire while wearing small stilts.  Even though there was a net underneath, that one made me nervous.

The part of the fest that Evan most looked forward to was going down the giant inflatable slide.  At the bottom he looks a little scared because it was so steep, he almost flipped over coming down it.  Like the dare devil he is though, he hopped right up and said, "I want to go down that big huge slide again!"

We played a few games, then I decided to take Evan on his first bumper car ride.  He thought it was fun, until people started bumping into us with some real force.  When we were finished, he told us, "I didn't like when that car crashed and it hurt me."  He had much more fun on the kiddie rollercoaster, where he got to drive the fire truck, like his uncle does!  The highlight of Evan's evening, though, was the plastic ninja sword he got.  We all had fun at the fest. It was filled with good food, good friends, and great people-watching.  I can't wait for the next one!

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